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view post Posted on 17/11/2010, 09:53     +1   -1

Presidente Gruppo Aurora




World Puja Network Show - November 12, 2010

Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer

Show air times (US time zones):
11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern
and 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern

Dr. Steven Greer and Charlie Balogh

ET Tones and Voices Heard by the CSETI Team

Dr. Greer will be joined by Charlie Balogh, an accomplished musician and long-time CSETI member.

Mr. Balogh is based in Mesa AZ where he plays one of the world's largest Wurlitzer theater organs. He has several acclaimed albums and travels worldwide giving concerts. Many of you have heard on the CSETI Contact DVD his music which was inspired by CSETI experiences. He has put his outstanding musical skills to work identifying and analyzing the ET sounds and tones that CSETI has recorded during field work. This will be an amazingly informative and interesting interview to listen to and hear about the auditory evidence CSETI has recorded with "off the shelf" equipment and ad hoc groups going out in the field to make contact with Extraterrestrial civilizations.

Charlie Balogh is originally from Trenton, New Jersey. His interest in music began at age 11 at which time he started organ instruction. He studied with various teachers and eventually attended Trenton State College where he immersed himself in classical studies with Albert Ludecke, while performing in supper clubs throughout the area. For a short time, he also studied with Lee Erwin in New York.

From those beginnings, he has emerged as an exciting and dynamic performer at the theatre pipe organ. Under the guidance of Lyn Larsen, Charlie worked as a staff organist at "Organ Stop Pizza" in Phoenix, Arizona from 1973 until 1976. In 1977 he moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan to become organist at the "Roaring 20's" restaurant. In 1986 Charlie and his family purchased the business that was then re-named "Good Time Charley's."

Charlie recorded three very successful albums on the organ in his restaurant. One of those was an album called "Pipes Plus" that combined the sounds of the Wurlitzer with modern day digital keyboards. "Pipes Plus" not only won the praise of record reviewers but other professional organists as well. He also had his own radio program on WGHN in Grand Haven, Michigan. After 14 years at the console of the Wurlitzer, he decided to close the restaurant in September of 1991. He developed a monumental following of fans in Michigan during his tenure that ultimately led to a hugely successful community project to relocate the restaurant organ to the Grand Rapids Public Museum.

After closing "Good Time Charley's", Charlie decided to move back to Arizona to play for "Organ Stop Pizza," this time in Mesa, at their magnificent new restaurant which features one of the largest Wurlitzer theatre organs in the world. He has recorded a number of albums on this fabulous instrument that have won the praise of reviewers for being innovative and setting new standards of performance and repertoire. He continues on there to the delight of the hundreds of thousands of people who visit yearly. In addition to his schedule at the restaurant, he maintains an active concert schedule throughout the country and abroad including Canada, England, and Australia. For eight years he was a featured artist at the Century II Civic Center in Wichita, playing the former NY Paramount Wurlitzer with the Wichita State University Jazz Band as part of the Wichita River Festival. He has also performed on three separate occasions for the American Theatre Organ Society's national conventions and for the most recent Regional Convention in Phoenix. Charlie was also voted "Organist of the Year" by ATOS for the year 2000.

Charlie makes his home in Gold Canyon, Arizona with his wife Carrie, and and a couple of four-legged youngsters named Tammy and Mandy. In addition to playing the theater pipe organ, Charlie also enjoys composing electronic music, amateur astronomy, and hiking in the Arizona wilderness.

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Toni ET e voce dal Team CSETI

Il Dr. Greer sarà affiancato da Charlie Balogh, un abile musicista e da lungo tempo membro CSETI.

Mr. Balogh ha sede a Mesa AZ dove gioca uno dei più grandi del mondo teatro di organi Wurlitzer. Ha diversi album acclamato e viaggia in tutto il mondo dando concerti. Molti di voi hanno sentito il contatto CSETI DVD sua musica, che è stato ispirato da esperienze CSETI. Ha messo la sua abilità musicale sospeso a lavorare individuare ed analizzare i suoni e toni che ET CSETI ha registrato durante il lavoro sul campo. Questo sarà un colloquio informativo e sorprendentemente interessante ascoltare e sentire circa le prove uditive CSETI ha registrato con "off the shelf", attrezzature e gruppi ad hoc di uscire sul campo per prendere contatto con civiltà extraterrestri.

Charlie Balogh è originaria di Trenton, New Jersey. Il suo interesse per la musica inizia all'età di 11 anni e in quel momento ha iniziato istruzione organo. Ha studiato con vari maestri e, infine, hanno partecipato Trenton State College, dove si immerse in studi classici con Albert Ludecke, durante l'esecuzione di cena in un locale in tutta l'area. Per un breve periodo, ha anche studiato con Lee Erwin a New York.

Da quegli inizi, si è affermato come un esecutore emozionante e dinamica al teatro organo a canne. Sotto la guida di Lyn Larsen, Charlie ha lavorato come organista staff "Organ Stop Pizza" a Phoenix, in Arizona, dal 1973 fino al 1976. Nel 1977 si trasferisce a Grand Rapids, Michigan per diventare organista presso la "ruggenti anni 20" ristorante. Nel 1986 Charlie e la sua famiglia ha acquistato il business che è stato poi ribattezzato "Good Time Charlie's".

Charlie ha registrato tre album di grande successo con l'organo nel suo ristorante. Uno di questi era un album intitolato "Pipes Plus" che ha combinato i suoni del Wurlitzer con le moderne tastiere giorno digitali. "Pipes Plus" non solo ha vinto l'elogio dei revisori record, ma gli altri organisti professionisti. Aveva anche un suo programma radio su WGHN a Grand Haven, Michigan. Dopo 14 anni alla consolle del Wurlitzer, ha deciso di chiudere il ristorante nel settembre del 1991. Ha sviluppato un seguito di fans monumentale in Michigan durante il suo mandato che ha infine portato ad un progetto comunitario di grande successo a trasferire l'organo ristorante al Grand Rapids Public Museum.

Dopo la chiusura "Good Time Charlie's", Charlie ha deciso di tornare in Arizona per giocare "Organ Stop Pizza", questa volta a Mesa, al loro magnifico ristorante nuovo che offre uno dei più grandi organi Wurlitzer teatro del mondo. Ha inciso numerosi album su questo strumento favoloso che hanno vinto le lodi dei recensori per essere innovative e nuovi standard di prestazioni e di repertorio. Egli continua in là per la gioia delle centinaia di migliaia di persone che visitano ogni anno. In aggiunta al suo programma al ristorante, lui mantiene un attivo programma di concerti in tutto il paese e all'estero tra cui Canada, Inghilterra e Australia. Per otto anni è stato un artista presentati al II secolo Civic Center a Wichita, giocando l'ex NY Paramount Wurlitzer con la Jazz Band di Stato Wichita University nell'ambito del Wichita River Festival. Ha anche suonato in tre diverse occasioni per convention nazionale l'American Theatre Organ Society e per la più recente Convenzione regionale a Phoenix. Charlie è stata anche votata "Organista of the Year" da ATOS per l'anno 2000.

Charlie fa la sua casa a Gold Canyon, in Arizona, con sua moglie Carrie, ed e un paio di ragazzi a quattro zampe di nome Tammy e Mandy. Oltre a suonare l'organo a canne teatro, Charlie gode anche di comporre musica elettronica, l'astronomia amatoriale, e le escursioni nel deserto dell'Arizona.
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view post Posted on 25/11/2010, 10:49     +1   -1

Presidente Gruppo Aurora



World Puja Network Show - November 26, 2010

Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer

Show air times (US time zones):
11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern
and 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern

Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Raven Nabulsi

The Joshua Tree Expedition November 2010 - What Happened?

We are pleased that Dr. Raven Nabulsi will join Dr. Greer again.

Dr. Nabulsi is an accomplished acupuncturist and doctor of Chinese Medicine in southern California. This time she and Dr. Greer will discuss what happened at the most recent Joshua Tree Expedition. It was at Joshua Tree that The Orion Transmissions were first received and it was at Joshua Tree that Dr. Nabulsi took the historic photo of the ET. The photo and report is on the CSETI web site at:

It was at Joshua Tree that Dr. Greer heard the message, "The joshua trees transmit star energy." Find out what energy was transmitted this year.

web sites:;

Listen to the free broadcast show (for 24 hours only) at:

Listen to the archived shows at:

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World Network Puja Show - 26 novembre 2010

Conversazioni con il Dr. Steven Greer

tempi Air Show (fusi orari degli Stati Uniti):
11:00 del Pacifico / 2 pm Eastern
e 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern

Il Dr. Steven Greer e il Dr. Raven Nabulsi

L'albero novembre Joshua Expedition 2010 - What Happened?

Siamo lieti che il Dr. Raven Nabulsi si uniranno di nuovo il Dr. Greer.

Dr. Nabulsi è un agopuntore compiuto e medico di medicina cinese nel sud della California. Questa volta lei e il Dr. Greer discuteranno cosa è successo alle più recenti Joshua Tree Expedition. E 'stato a Joshua Tree che le trasmissioni di Orione sono stati ricevuti ed è in Joshua Tree che il dottor Nabulsi ha preso la foto storica della ET. La foto e la relazione è sul sito web CSETI a:

E 'stato a Joshua Tree che il Dr. Greer sentito il messaggio, "Gli alberi Joshua trasmettere energia stelle." Scopri che l'energia è stato trasmesso quest'anno.

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view post Posted on 23/12/2010, 11:03     +1   -1

Presidente Gruppo Aurora



World Puja Network Show - December 24, 2010


Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer

Show air times (US time zones):
11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern
and 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern

Dr. Steven Greer with Dr. Ted Loder

Release of New Witness Testimony - William Pawelec

In 2000 - 2001 before the historic National Press Club Disclosure event in May 2001, Dr. Greer went around the world videotaping over 100 witnesses. Some asked that their testimony not be released until after their deaths. Mr. Pawelec is one of those. He had a UFO sighting while in the Air Force but the most interesting part of his testimony is what he learned while doing very high level security work for private and governmental sources after he left the military. You may see his testimony at Listen on the 24th as Dr. Loder and Dr. Greer discuss the implications. How does it affect the functioning of our government? Disclosure? Who is running the show? How many people know the score? And why are they silent?


web sites:;

Listen to the free broadcast show (for 24 hours only) at:

Listen to the archived shows at:

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view post Posted on 15/1/2011, 23:26     +1   -1

Presidente Gruppo Aurora



World Puja Network Show - January 14, 2011


Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer

Show air times (US time zones):
11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern
and 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern

Dr. Steven Greer with Trudy Guyker

The Spiritual Aspect of Contact With Extraterrestrial Civilizations

Trudy Guyker is a housewife and grandmother residing in Chandler AZ. After attending a lecture and workshop at a Whole Life Expo in Santa Fe, NM in 1993, she realized that CSETI and its spiritual emphasis was how she could best utilize her own spiritual knowledge with her interest in the UFO phenomenon. She has attended over a year's worth of CSETI events and is a critical member of the core contact team. Her intuitive nature and ability to sense the ET presence in its many forms has helped the group immensely in its continuingly developing relationship with the ETs.

Trudy and Dr. Greer will discuss some of the special experiences they have shared together at CSETI Expeditions.

Listen to the free broadcast show (for 24 hours only) at:

Listen to the archived shows at:

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view post Posted on 16/1/2011, 22:03     +1   -1

Presidente Gruppo Aurora



February 2011 - Conscious Life Expo and CSETI Workshop
Southern California



Dr. Steven Greer will be speaking at the Conscious Life Expo at 4 pm on Sunday February 13, 2011. The title of his talk is: Contact, Disclosure & Free Energy: Overview and Update. More details are available at:

Conscious Life Expo Web site:


Workshop in Orange County, California
February 18-20

Join Us for 3 life-changing days and nights with Dr. Steven Greer in a small group of under 30 people. This workshop will be a mini version of the week-long Ambassador to the Universe Training Expeditions.


During the workshop you will learn:

How to make Contact with ET civilizations using the CSETI CE-5 protocols and how to really become an Ambassador to the Universe
Advanced training in mantra meditation, and a very advanced course in the ancient Sanskrit Vedas
Advanced techniques of Remote Viewing, Precognition and the Science of Consciousness
The Effects of the Sanskrit Puja as we make sacred the place for Contact using this ancient Vedic Ceremony
An update on world-wide Disclosure Project developments by Dr. Greer and the progress being made with leaders around the world
An in depth review of New Energy technologies, including free energy from the zero point field, antigravity and how the world can be transformed with these new sciences
A deep understanding of the next great cycle on Earth: One of Universal Peace, Free Energy, Abundance and Enlightenment through higher states of Consciousness

In advance of the Workshop or training, you will receive the CSETI Contact Training Program:

Contact: Countdown to Transformation (book and DVD)
Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications book
Cosmic Consciousness : A mantra meditation course (2 CD set)
Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge Book and Meditation CD with two meditations by Dr. Greer
4 Working Group CDs: Including the CSETI Field Work Tones to project into space and all the information necessary to set up a CSETI working group
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view post Posted on 27/1/2011, 15:32     +1   -1

Presidente Gruppo Aurora



World Puja Network Show - January 28, 2011

Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer

Show air times (US time zones):
11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern
and 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern

Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Ted Loder

The Orion Project - An Update

Dr. Greer and Dr. Loder will summarize the successes and challenges that The Orion Project has faced in the past 2 1/2 years.

The Orion Project has educated dozens of leaders in society, including politicians and businessmen world-wide. There is now an amazingly talented and ever growing group of scientists willing to quit their current jobs and work for The Orion Project when the funds are available to open a research facility. The progress has been heartening. The vision remains undeterred to provide the world with earth-saving energy solutions. Listen to Dr. Greer and Dr. Loder discuss this promethean effort from the inside.

Read the January 25, 2011 update on

Listen to the free broadcast show (for 24 hours only) at:

Listen to the archived shows at:

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view post Posted on 22/3/2011, 14:40     +1   -1

Presidente Gruppo Aurora



Dr. Ted Loder Speaking at MUFON Conference - July 31, 2011

Sunday, July 31 - 10:30 to 11:45 am
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Irvine, California

ET Contact:
The Implications for Post Contact Advancements
in Science and Technology

The implications for scientific and technological advancements after open contact with advanced ET civilizations are based on an analysis of a combination of the technologies needed to visit Earth, the willingness of ETs to share knowledge, and multiple reports by alleged contactees on what they observed and what they were told. There is also the problem of the willingness of human groups to share what they have already learned but have kept suppressed for many decades. These will probably include many of the technologies that ETs have also developed. The five areas of interest covered will be transportation (including anti-gravity), energy production (including over unity devices), communication (including both super- luminal devices and consciousness communication), medical (including cures for human illnesses and resulting life extension), and consciousness (including a better understanding of our spiritual nature). In other words, there will be significant changes in many areas of human endeavor once open acknowledged contact has occurred, and there will be no “going back”. Ultimately this will be a “very good thing”.

Dr. Ted Loder is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of New Hampshire where he taught classes in the field of chemical oceanography. He was also a member of the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space at UNH. Dr. Loder had a life-long casual interest in UFO phenomena and related energy issues but began to seriously study these issues after learning from a trusted government witness in the mid 1990s that they were real. In April 1997, Dr. Loder attended the 3-hour CSETI/Disclosure Project briefing, organized and hosted by CSETI, on UFOs held in Washington DC, appointed as a representative of the Governor of New Hampshire (Jeanne Shaheen, now US senator for NH). During this briefing he met a number of top-secret military witnesses who described events they observed first hand to members of Congress and the Senate. Subsequently, Dr. Loder has worked closely on a number of related projects with Dr. Steven Greer, the Director of CSETI and the Disclosure Project. He has also briefed NASA and NSF scientists as well as U.S. Congressional and Senatorial staff members on this topic. He has given talks and class lectures on UFO and related energy issues at his university, at scientific and public conferences, and to many private groups. He has done numerous radio interviews for the Disclosure Project. Since the late 1990s, he has spent several dozen weeks conducting field research and observing the UFO phenomena in NH, NY, CO, AZ, CA, NC, and France. In October, 2000, at the request of Senator Bob Smith (R-NH), Dr. Loder organized and coordinated a briefing for the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee with six other energy experts. The subject concerned "Outside-the-Box" technologies, their critical role concerning environmental trends, and the unnecessary energy crisis (available at: Dr. Loder was also a member of the Space Colonization Technical Committee for the AIAA from 2002 to 2005. Dr. Loder is a co-author (with Dr. Greer) of the Disclosure Briefing Document (nearly 500pp.), made available to the press and members of the government at the Disclosure Project™ press conference at the National Press Club on May 9, 2001. He also co-authored The Energy Briefing document ( sent to President Obama. Recently, Dr. Loder presented a paper assessing the development of electrogravitic research over the past 50 years and implications of this technology (available at: During the past several years Dr. Loder has been researching and testing new energy technologies as a Board Member of The Orion Project (


Ambassador to the Universe Trainings

Colorado, England, California
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view post Posted on 7/4/2011, 17:21     +1   -1

Presidente Gruppo Aurora



World Puja Network Show - April 8, 2011
CSETI Ambassador Trainings Schedule


Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer - April 8, 2011

Show air times (US time zones):
11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern
and 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern

Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Ted Loder

Do We Really Still Need Nuclear Power?

With the tragedy in Japan we need to examine this issue again. Dr. Greer and Dr. Loder will discuss the fallacy that nuclear power is the only viable solution that will not pollute the environment. At is an article from the American Federation of Scientists talking about how even small positive developments in solar energy have been suppressed. If even these incremental improvements to traditional alternatives have been suppressed, how much more suppression there must be for the truly innovative solutions! How can we wait any longer to have these real solutions out to the public?

Listen to the free broadcast show (for 24 hours only) at:

Listen to the archived shows at:


Ambassador to the Universe Trainings

Colorado, England, California

An Amazing Opportunity for 6 intense days and nights with Dr. Steven Greer in a small group of 15 registrants and several CSETI senior team members. The Crestone, Colorado training (June 24-30) and the England training (July 24-31) are filling up quickly, so register soon!
More information:

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7 replies since 17/11/2010, 09:51   436 views