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Un antico testo apocrifo afferma: Gesù era un muta forma

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view post Posted on 27/3/2013, 18:33     +1   -1




<b>Un antico testo apocrifo afferma: Gesù era un muta forma.
Un testo apocrifo egiziano risalente a circa 1.200 anni fa e tradotto recentemente svela nuovi dettagli sulla crocifissione di Gesù fino ad ora sconosciuti.

Il testo fu rinvenuto nella primavera del 1910 all’interno nella biblioteca del monastero di San Michele che cessò l’attività nel X secolo nel deserto egiziano nell’attuale al-Hamuli parte occidentale del Fayoum Il testo, è datato circa 1.200 anni fa e occupa due manoscritti. Fu acquistato con altri testi dal banchiere americano John Pierpont Morgan nel 1911. La collezione di JP Morgan tra cui il testo apocrifo è confluito in Morgan Library and Museum di New York. Il manoscritto da poco tradotto fa parte dell’esposizione“Tesori della Cripta” e sarà esposto fino al 5 maggio 2013.

I due manoscritti sono stati ospitati uno presso il museo dell’Università della Pennsylvania e l’altro alla biblioteca Morgan di New York. Il testo tradotto è quello di New York poiché il testo in Pennsylvania era quasi del tutto illeggibile.

Il testo redatto in lingua copta, narra della crocefissione di Gesù, dell'ultima cena e aggiunge particolari inediti anche su Ponzio Pilato il giudice che autorizzò la crocifissione di Gesù. Nel testo Pilato pranza con Gesù prima della crocifissione e arriva a offrire il figlio al suo posto, questo dettaglio spiegherebbe anche perché Giuda usò un bacio per tradire Gesù. Secondo il testo Gesù aveva, infatti, la capacità di cambiare aspetto, e nel testo l’arresto avvenne un martedì sera e non un giovedì elemento della liturgia Pasquale.
Secondo il professore di Storia del Cristianesimo Roelof Van den Broek dell’Università di Utrecht nei Paesi Bassi; “La scoperta del testo, non significa che gli eventi si siano realmente verificati ma che la popolazione all’epoca sembrava crederci”.
Nel 2013 la traduzione del testo apocrifo è stata pubblicatanel libro: ” Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem on the life and the passion of Christ”.

Ponzio Pilato pranzò con Gesù
Nel testo apocrifo si parla anche di Pilato che offrì di sacrificare il proprio figlio al posto di Gesù e secondo il professor Van den Broek è la prima volta in cui viene alla luce quest’avvenimento. Alcune parti del testo tradotto:
Senza altri indugi Pilato preparò un pasto, lo mangiò con Gesù il quinto giorno della settimana e Gesù benedisse Pilato e tutta la sua casa”.
Pilato: “La notte è arrivata alzati e vai quando il giorno nascerà e mi accuseranno a causa tua io darò loro il mio unico figlio affinché possano ucciderlo al posto tuo”.

Gesù conforta Pilato: “ Pilato tu, meriti un grande ringraziamento perché tu ti sei mostrato ben disposto verso me”.
E nel testo tradotto, Gesù dice a pilato che avrebbe potuto fuggire se avesse voluto:
“Pilato, guardò Gesù e il suo corpo divenne invisibile non lo vide più per molto tempo…“ Nella notte Pilato e sua moglie ebbero delle visioni, videro un’aquila (Gesù) che veniva uccisa. Ponzio Pilato è ricordato dalla Chiesa copta come martire e nella Chiesa ortodossa etiopica Pilato fu canonizzato come santo nel VI secolo.

Il bacio di Giuda
Nella Bibbia si legge che Giuda tradì Gesù con un bacio per identificarlo e farlo arrestare in cambio di trenta monete d'argento. Nel testo egiziano si comprende meglio il fatto; Gesù aveva, infatti, la capacità di cambiare aspetto.
I Giudei dissero poi a Giuda: come lo arresteremo visto che non si mostra mai con un solo aspetto e il suo aspetto cambia". A volte è rossastro a volte è bianco a volte è rosso a volte ha il colore del grano a volte è pallido come un asceta a volte è giovane a volte è vecchio…“.
La capacità di cambiare aspetto è riportata anche da Origène un teologo vissuto dal 185 al 254 d.C., nel “Contra Celsum“ infatti, afferma:
per quelli che lo videro, non appariva mai nello stesso modo in tutto il mondo“.

L’arresto di martedì
Il professor Van den Broek si dichiara sorpreso della data dell’arresto avvenuto un martedì sera, inoltre all’ultima cena prese parte proprio Ponzio Pilato. Per i testi canonici l’ultima cena e l’arresto avvenne di giovedì e tale giorno è ricordato con il giovedì santo. In Egitto la Bibbia fu canonizzata tra il IV e V secolo ma i testi apocrifi rimasero noti tra i cristiani egiziani. Il professor Van den Broek ha quindi affermato:

trovo che sia difficile pensare che ci credesse realmente, ma alcuni dettagli, ad esempio il pranzo con Gesù, potrebbero averlo convinto che ciò si fosse svolto realmente“ed anche Le persone di questa epoca anche se ben istruite non hanno un atteggiamento storico critico. Se i miracoli sono sempre esistiti, perché questa vecchia storia non può essere vera?“.


Shape-Shifting Jesus Described in Ancient Egyptian Text


A newly deciphered Egyptian text, dating back almost 1,200 years, tells part of the crucifixion story of Jesus with apocryphal plot twists, some of which have never been seen before.

Written in the Coptic language, the ancient text tells of Pontius Pilate, the judge who authorized Jesus' crucifixion, having dinner with Jesus before his crucifixion and offering to sacrifice his own son in the place of Jesus. It also explains why Judas used a kiss, specifically, to betray Jesus — because Jesus had the ability to change shape, according to the text — and it puts the day of the arrest of Jesus on Tuesday evening rather than Thursday evening, something that contravenes the Easter timeline.


The discovery of the text doesn't mean these events happened, but rather that some people living at the time appear to have believed in them, said Roelof van den Broek, of Utrecht University in the Netherlands, who published the translation in the book "Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem on the Life and the Passion of Christ"(Brill, 2013).

Copies of the text are found in two manuscripts, one in the Morgan Library and Museum in New York City and the other at the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania. Most of the translation comes from the New York text, because the relevant text in the Pennsylvania manuscript is mostly illegible. [Image Gallery: 2 Ancient Curses Deciphered]

Pontius Pilate has dinner with Jesus

While apocryphal stories about Pilate are known from ancient times, van den Broek wrote in an email to LiveScience that he has never seen this one before, with Pilate offering to sacrifice his own son in the place of Jesus.

A researcher has deciphered a 1,200-year-old Coptic text that tells part of the Passion (the Easter story) with apocryphal plot twists, some of which have never been seen before. Here, a cross decoration from the text, of which there are two copies, the best preserved in the Morgan Library and Museum in New York City.
CREDIT: Image courtesy The Pierpont Morgan Library
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"Without further ado, Pilate prepared a table and he ate with Jesus on the fifth day of the week. And Jesus blessed Pilate and his whole house," reads part of the text in translation. Pilate later tells Jesus, "well then, behold, the night has come, rise and withdraw, and when the morning comes and they accuse me because of you, I shall give them the only son I have so that they can kill him in your place." [Who Was Jesus, the Man?]

In the text, Jesus comforts him, saying, "Oh Pilate, you have been deemed worthy of a great grace because you have shown a good disposition to me." Jesus also showed Pilate that he can escape if he chose to. "Pilate, then, looked at Jesus and, behold, he became incorporeal: He did not see him for a long time ..." the text read.

Pilate and his wife both have visions that night that show an eagle (representing Jesus) being killed.

In the Coptic and Ethiopian churches, Pilate is regarded as a saint, which explains the sympathetic portrayal in the text, van den Broek writes.

The reason for Judas using a kiss

In the canonical bible the apostle Judas betrays Jesus in exchange for money by using a kiss to identify him leading to Jesus' arrest. This apocryphal tale explains that the reason Judas used a kiss, specifically, is because Jesus had the ability to change shape.

"Then the Jews said to Judas: How shall we arrest him [Jesus], for he does not have a single shape but his appearance changes. Sometimes he is ruddy, sometimes he is white, sometimes he is red, sometimes he is wheat coloured, sometimes he is pallid like ascetics, sometimes he is a youth, sometimes an old man ..." This leads Judas to suggest using a kiss as a means to identify him. If Judas had given the arresters a description of Jesus he could have changed shape. By kissing Jesus Judas tells the people exactly who he is. [Religious Mysteries: 8 Alleged Relics of Jesus]

This understanding of Judas' kiss goes way back. "This explanation of Judas' kiss is first found in Origen [a theologian who lived A.D. 185-254]," van den Broek writes. In his work, Contra Celsum the ancient writerOrigen, stated that "to those who saw him [Jesus] he did not appear alike to all."

St. Cyril impersonation

The text is written in the name of St. Cyril of Jerusalem who lived during the fourth century. In the story Cyril tells the Easter story as part of a homily (a type of sermon). A number of texts in ancient times claim to be homilies by St. Cyril and they were probably not given by the saint in real life, van den Broek explained in his book.

Here, part of the text from the manuscript holding the newly deciphered Passion story of Jesus. Found in Egypt in 1910 it was purchased, along with other manuscripts, by J.P. Morgan in 1911 and was later donated to the public.
CREDIT: Image courtesy The Pierpont Morgan Library
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Near the beginning of the text, Cyril, or the person writing in his name, claims that a book has been found in Jerusalem showing the writings of the apostles on the life and crucifixion of Jesus. "Listen to me, oh my honored children, and let me tell you something of what we found written in the house of Mary ..." reads part of the text.

Again, it's unlikely that such a book was found in real life. Van den Broek said that a claim like this would have been used by the writer "to enhance the credibility of the peculiar views and uncanonical facts he is about to present by ascribing them to an apostolic source," adding that examples of this plot device can be found "frequently" in Coptic literature.

Arrest on Tuesday

Van den Broek says that he is surprised that the writer of the text moved the date of Jesus' Last Supper, with the apostles, and arrest to Tuesday. In fact, in this text, Jesus' actual Last Supper appears to be with Pontius Pilate. In between his arrest and supper with Pilate, he is brought before Caiaphas and Herod.

In the canonical texts, the last supper and arrest of Jesus happens on Thursday evening and present-day Christians mark this event with Maundy Thursday services. It "remains remarkable that Pseudo-Cyril relates the story of Jesus' arrest on Tuesday evening as if the canonical story about his arrest on Thursday evening (which was commemorated each year in the services of Holy Week) did not exist!" writes van den Broek in the email.

A gift to a monastery ... and then to New York

About 1,200 years ago the New York text was in the library of the Monastery of St. Michael in the Egyptian desert near present-day al-Hamuli in the western part of the Faiyum. The text says, in translation, that it was a gift from "archpriest Father Paul," who, "has provided for this book by his own labors."

The monastery appears to have ceased operations around the early 10th century, and the text was rediscovered in the spring of 1910. In December 1911, it was purchased, along with other texts, by American financier J.P. Morgan. His collections would later be given to the public and are part of the present-day Morgan Library and Museum in New York City. The manuscript is currently displayed as part of the museum's exhibition "Treasures from the Vault" running through May 5.

Who believed it?

Van den Broek writes in the email that "in Egypt, the Bible had already become canonized in the fourth/fifth century, but apocryphal stories and books remained popular among the Egyptian Christians, especially among monks."

Whereas the people of the monastery would have believed the newly translated text, "in particular the more simple monks," he's not convinced that the writer of the text believed everything he was writing down, van den Broek said.

"I find it difficult to believe that he really did, but some details, for instance the meal with Jesus, he may have believed to have really happened," van den Broek writes. "The people of that time, even if they were well-educated, did not have a critical historical attitude. Miracles were quite possible, and why should an old story not be true?"


Shape-shifting Jesus spent his last supper with Pontius Pilate, claims just-deciphered 1,200-year-old Egyptian manuscript

Claim explains why Judas used a kiss to betray Jesus, since he could have transformed to foil any attempt at description
Manuscript also claims that Pontius Pilate offered his own son for crucifixion in place of the Messiah - but Jesus declined

A 1,200-year-old Egyptian manuscript tells the story of the crucifixion with incredible plot twists - including the revelation that Jesus could change shape.
The ancient illuminated text's claim explains why Judas used a kiss to betray Jesus, since the Christian Messiah had the ability to transform his appearance.
It also claims Jesus in fact spent his last supper with the man who ordered his execution, Roman prefect Pontius Pilate, who is said to have offered to sacrifice his own son in Jesus' place.

And it defies the official Easter timeline by putting the day of Jesus' arrest on Tuesday evening, rather than the canonically agreed Thursday.
The translation from the original Coptic has been revealed for the first time in a new book by Roelof van den Broek, emeritus professor of the History of Christianity at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

In the commonly-accepted Bible story it is claimed that the apostle Judas agrees to betray Jesus in exchange for cash, then kissed him to reveal his identity.

The newly-deciphered text explains that, far from a sign of affection or guilt, the kiss was Judas' way of forestalling any shapeshifting confusion.
'The Jews said to Judas: How shall we arrest him [Jesus], for he does not have a single shape but his appearance changes. Sometimes he is ruddy, sometimes he is white, sometimes he is red, sometimes he is wheat coloured, sometimes he is pallid like ascetics, sometimes he is a youth, sometimes an old man...' it reads.
For a man who could walk on water, raise the dead, feed 5,000 people with just a single loaf of bread and a fish, and turn water into wine, such abilities are perhaps unsurprising.
But shapeshifting is not the only superpower the ancient manuscript attributes to Jesus - it also says that he could even turn himself invisible.
It claims that on the night before his crucifixion, Jesus ate dinner with Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect who decided his sentence - who, it is said, remarkably offered his son to be crucified in place of the Messiah.
Jesus declined the offer, explaining that if he could escape from his fate if he wanted to.
'Pilate, then, looked at Jesus and, behold, he became incorporeal: He did not see him for a long time,' the text says.
Later that night, according to the manuscript, Pilate and his wife dreamed of an eagle representing Jesus being killed.
The incredible text, which is thought to be some 1,200 years old, is written in the name of St Cyril of Jerusalem, although, Professor van den Broek says, it was probably written by someone else.
Back then it was looked after by monks at the Monastery of St Michael in the desert of north-west Egypt, south of Cairo.
The text was rediscovered in 1910 and, the following year, it was bought along with other manuscripts by the wealthy Wall Street financier JP Morgan.
Morgan's collections were later given to the public and they are now kept in the Morgan Library and Museum in New York City.

L’autore del testo apocrifo
Il testo è scritto sotto il nome di San Cirillo di Gerusalemme vissuto nel IV secolo. Nel testo San Cirillo o il vero autore asseriva che gli eventi sugli apostoli e sulla crocifissione fossero parte di un’omelia, e che avessero origine da un libro rinvenuto a Gerusalemme “Ascoltatemi oh miei figli onorati e lasciatemi che vi dica una cosa che abbiamo trovato scritto nella casa di Maria…“ Per lo studioso Van den Broek questa affermazione venne fatta per aumentare la credibilità dei fatti, e che il libro citato non sia realmente esistito.

Professor van den Broek told LiveScience that the Bible was already canonised in Egypt by the time the text was written, but that such apocryphal stories nevertheless remained popular among believers.
He said he was not convinced that the monk who wrote down the story necessarily believed all the details in it, 'but some details, for instance the meal [Pontius Pilate had] with Jesus, he may have believed to have really happened.'
'The people of that time, even if they were well-educated, did not have a critical historical attitude,' he added. 'Miracles were quite possible, and why should an old story not be true?'
Professor van den Broek's book, Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem on the Life and the Passion of Christ, is out now, published by Brill.

Edited by perlanaturale - 28/3/2013, 11:37
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view post Posted on 31/3/2017, 10:23     +1   -1

Io ho letto qualcosa riguardo i muta forma e mi pare si facesse riferimento anche a Gesù come uno di loro.
In effetti se si guarda a certi personaggi che sono vissuti durante i secoli e che avevano poteri strani magari la cosa è credibile.
Poi ovviamente la chiesa se ne guarda bene dal prendere in considerazione un testo che parla di gesù in modo non ufficiale o consono con le regole del cattolicesimo. Il motivo ovviamente è sempre quello di voler occultare la verità.
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