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view post Posted on 22/4/2010, 14:39     +1   -1





Analisi di laboratorio provano che il padre dell'essere a cui apparteneva il famoso cranio 'Starchild' non era di origine umana. Il DNA lo confermerebbe. Secondo Lloyd Pye presto arriveranno conferme ufficiali di un laboratorio accreditato che ha eseguito le analisi.

Finalmente è stato svelato il DNA nucleare dello 'Starchild'.

Il ricercatore Lloyd Pye tramite la pubblicazione della seguente mail rende note le incredibili scoperte a conferma che l'ormai noto teschio 'Starchild' non è del tutto umano:
La scorsa settimana mi sono incontrato con il genetista che ha lavorato sul DNA dello Starchild. Mi ha spiegato che ora si può provare che il teschio dello Starchild non è interamente umano, come da noi sostenuto per anni. Ora non si tratta di una questione di "se", ma di "quando" e "come" si è sviluppata questa nuova stupefacente realtà.

Ora, nel 2010, ci sono stati profondi miglioramenti nel processo di recupero DNA, e quei miglioramenti sono stati applicati al cranio dello Starchild ottenendo un sorprendente risultato. Il documento qui sotto mostra un chiaro e completo recupero nucleare del DNA, che non poteva essere eseguito nel 2003.


Confrontando i risultati con le informazioni della banca dati nazionale del National Institute of Health, che funge da archivio centralizzato di tutte le informazioni genetiche generate dai genetisti in tutto il mondo, e che ora copre essenzialmente tutti gli organismi viventi sulla terra, partendo dai vari virus, batteri, vari tipi di crostacei, pesci e tutti i tipi di animani e piante per concludere le scimmie e gli esseri umani, possiamo avere chiare risposte.

Per molte specie, uomo incluso, esistono già sequenze nucleotidiche che coprono interi genomi. Pertanto, le sequenze del DNA dello Starchild può essere direttamente confrontato con questo vasto database per cercare similitudini.

Facendo un confronto con i dati a nostra disposizione si può notare ad esempio nella figura 1 come dalle 265 coppie base il DNA nucleare dello Starchild si abbina perfettamente con il gene umano del cromosoma 1 - la madre.


Nella figura 2 invece arrivano le incredibili sorprese. Non esiste nessuna rilevante somiglianza paragonate ad una del 342 stringhe base che fungono da riferimento - il padre. Questo risultato è sorprendente in quanto non è possibile recuperare nessuna coppia di tratto base in quanto non ne esiste copia o riferimento nell'archivio del National Institute of Health. Ciò significa che mai fino ad ora è stato trovato un corollario terreno per questa analisi. Questa incredibile anomalia farà entrare il cranio dello Starchild nei libri di storia!


Questo risultato è stato verificato più volte e i diversi frammenti analizzati non possono essere abbinati a nulla di conosciuto. Nonostante ciò, la maggior parte degli scettici, sicuramente non cambiando posizione diranno che si tratta di un qualcosa di terrestre incomprensibile, o frutto di un errore, perché semplicemente nella visione del loro mondo, non può essere vero.

Per fortuna, i loro belati di protesta possono essere facilmente superati eseguendo la ripetizione del risultato, traendo informazioni dai vari frammenti tratti dal cranio dello Starchild. Secondo il genetista che ha ottenuto questi risultati nelle prossime settimane e mesi molti cercheranno di vederci chiaro, ripetendo i test per poi scoprire che il genoma del teschio non proviene dalla terra.

Vorrei aggiungere che per ora non posso rivelare il nome del genetista, né dove lavora fino a quando non saremo pronti formalmente a presentare i suoi risultati al mondo.Tuttavia si tratta di un professionista ben consolidato professionalmente e la struttura in cui opera è di grandi dimensioni ed è molto credibile. Non vogliono essere bombardati dai media fino a quando tutto non sarà preparato, e nemmeno io del resto. Il sogno si sta avverando.

Traduzione, adattamento e recupero informazioni a cura dello staff di

Most of you have noticed the media frenzy about "X Woman" or "Lady X," the supposedly "new human type" whose mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was found to be significantly different from human DNA and also Neanderthal DNA. This has provided quite a shock to mainstream science, as all news reports and articles about it make clear. However, it also provides a tremendous boost to the Starchild's DNA analysis. If you haven't yet heard about it, check here:

To me, a far more logical answer is that the fingertip came from a hair-covered hominoid rather than an early human type. Unfortunately, no matter how logical such a connection might be, science will never accept its consideration. The same holds true with Hobbits, which are unmistakable examples of the pygmy hominoids found in jungles around the equator, but which science refuses to consider as anything other than some abberrant type of primitive human. All such foolishness by science results from a continual game of intellectual domination its members feel compelled to play and win at all costs.

If any of you want to know more about the hominoid possibilities, check Loren Coleman's analysis at:

Relative to the Starchild, the question I keep getting is whether the Lady X discovery will help or hurt our cause. Without doubt it will help, enormously, because all of the mtDNA in question represents mutations in strings of base pairs (nucleotides) that are common to all three species: Lady X, Neanderthal, and human. In other words, all three are Earth-bound species.

The new Starchild findings are from its nuclear DNA (nuDNA), found in the nucleii of its cells, which is quite different from mtDNA, found floating freely outside the nucleus in each cell's cytoplasm. It compares apples and oranges. However, what is critical about the Starchild discovery is that some of its nuclear DNA is human, but some is not found on Earth at all!!!

A story as sensational and potentially historic as that should be dwarfing Lady X. We should be getting press inquiries, calls from Oprah, Larry King, and "60 Minutes," etc. But are we? No! Why not? Because if what we say is true, it will upend some heavily entrenched status quos in ways their members don't want to think about. That's fine with us for now. Our geneticist must still duplicate his results several times over so nobody can successfully challenge his work when he is finally prepared to step onto the world stage and make history.

My last Byte was about my Coast to Coast interview last Thursday. I was given, and so I could only give you, extremely short notice, so I'm sure most of you missed hearing it live. However, below are two links to it. The first is only 34 minutes, which is nothing but me speaking with host George Noory, straight through. You have to download that onto your hard drive before listening.

The second link is a standard YouTube audio that doesn't require a download, but it is broken up into the the usual 10-minute segments. If you listen to that one, the first five minutes or so is George reading a newscast, the last item of which discusses "Lady X," which provides the seque into my interview.

Note: The "Check The Evidence" website about is run by my good friend Andrew Johnson in England. Anyone with an interest in 9-11 and with doubts about the "official" story would be well-served by a visit to Andrew's site. It is one of the most comprehensive on the internet, and it provides a provocative alternative theory to what might actually have happened. His work is only for those with an interest in the subject, and an open mind about alternative possibilities.

Lloyd Pye

March 18, 2010
We finally have a recovery of nuclear DNA from the Starchild!

This past weekend I met with the geneticist working on the Starchild's DNA. He explained how he can now prove the Starchild is not entirely human, which has been our position for years. Now it is no longer a question of "if," but of "when" and "how" we spread this astounding new reality beyond the mailing list. First, though, let me bring the list's newcomers up to speed.

In 2003 we had a DNA analysis that used human-only primers to recover the Starchild's mitochondrial DNA, the DNA outside the nucleus, which comes from the mother and her genetic line. That meant its mother was human. But we could not recover its nuclear DNA, which comes from both mother and father, which meant its father was not a human. Unfortunately, with the recovery technology of 2003 we couldn't prove what he was, which left us in scientific limbo. The "no result" from the search for the nuclear DNA clearly meant Dad wasn't human, but we could not prove that fact beyond all possible doubt.

Now, in 2010, there have been many improvements in the recovery process, and those improvements have been applied to the Starchild skull with the stunning result you see below. This is a gel sheet that shows a clear recovery of its nuclear DNA, which could not be done in 2003.

The next two screen shots are taken from the national genetic database at the National Institute of Health, NIH. That public-access database is a centralized repository of all genetic information generated by geneticists all over the world, and now covers essentially all living organisms on Earth, from various kinds of viruses and bacteria, to various kinds of crustaceans and fish, to all kinds of animals and plants, including great apes and humans.

For many species, humans included, there are already nucleotide sequences covering entire genomes. Therefore, sequences from the Starchild's DNA can be directly compared against this vast database to look for any matches. In one such comparison below, you see the text below the blue line at the bottom (if you can read it, sorry it's so fuzzy) that 265 base pairs (a good length) of recovered Starchild nuclear DNA matches perfectly with a gene on human chromosome 1. This verifies beyond any degree of doubt that some of the nuclear DNA seen in the gel sheet is from a human being.

In the one below, and again at the bottom, you see the stunning report that in a string of 342 base pairs (another good length), "No significant similarity (is) found." To recover a stretch of base pairs as long as that with NO reference in the NIH database is astounding because it means there is no known earthly corollary for what has been analyzed! This incredible anomaly will put the Starchild in history books!!!

Please understand that this result has now been verified several times, and a few more different fragments have been identified that cannot be matched in this database to anything known. Despite that fact, mainstream skeptics will be obligated by their positions to try to say it's some kind of gibberish or some kind of mistake because in their world view it simply can't be true.

Luckily, their bleating protests can be easily overcome with continued repetition of the result, finding more and more similar fragments in the library that will be created from the Starchild's DNA, which is what the geneticist is confident will happen over the next weeks and months---nothing but verification that a significant part of the Starchild's genome is not found on Earth.

I should add that I still can't reveal the name of the geneticist or where he works until we are ready to formally present his results to the world. However, trust me, he is a well-established professional and his facility is large and very credible. They don't want to be bombarded by media until they are prepared for it, and neither do I for that matter. Just know that you are a part of the "inner circle" of those who have put your faith in a dream that is now coming true.

Two more issues of importance:

(1) I still don't know where the recent "MonsterQuest" episode "Lizard Monster" can be viewed on the internet by people outside the U.S. If anyone knows how that can be found, please let me know and I'll share with the list. Thanks!

(2) The expenses for materials doing our research has now outstripped the amount donated by the list. It is now coming out of my pocket and I could use some help to bridge that gap. However, look on the bright side. This should be the last time I ever have to ask for your help in this way. ;-)
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view post Posted on 7/1/2011, 15:40     +1   -1





Edited by perlanaturale - 11/6/2014, 15:48
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view post Posted on 11/6/2014, 14:43     +1   +1   -1

Rinvenuto un nuovo teschio starchild?

il teschio scoperto in peru




Il ricercatore Brien Foerster che si occupa di teschi allungati peruviani ha annunciato di aver trovato in Perù un nuovo “starchild skull”. Lo starchild project ha in passato collaborato con Brien Foerster, ma attualmente non stanno collaborando per questa scoperta. Il teschio pruviano scoperto da Foerster appartiene ad un privato che vuole rimanere anonimo, è di dimensioni ridotte rispetto allo Starchild Skull, inoltre sembra mancante dell’osso occipitale (parte posteriore del cranio).
Il team dello starchild project non ha ancora esaminato il cranio e quindi non possono fare dichiarazioni definitive.
Il teschio peruviano dalle foto sembra avere orbite di uno spessore normale per l’essere umano, è assente l’osso occipitale dalla conformazione delle ossa sembra essere il cranio di un bambino piccolo o di un neonato.


Edited by perlanaturale - 11/6/2014, 15:52
2 replies since 22/4/2010, 14:39   394 views