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Un'esplosione nucleare su Marte ?

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TOPIC_ICON5  view post Posted on 4/4/2011, 11:48     +1   +1   -1

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Was There a Natural Nuclear Blast on Mars?
By John Brandon

Published April 01, 2011


Ever wonder why the red planet is red?

About 180 million years ago, a planet-shattering yet naturally occurring nuclear reaction may have wiped out everything on Mars, sending a shockwave that turned the planet into dry sand.

Even more incredible: A natural nuclear reaction could have occurred on our own planet -- and could happen again, said Dr. John Brandenburg, a senior propulsion scientist at Orbital Technologies Corp.

"The Martian surface is covered with a thin layer of radioactive substances including uranium, thorium and radioactive potassium -- and this pattern radiates from a hot spot [on Mars],” Brandenburg told

“A nuclear explosion could have sent debris all around the planet," he said. "Maps of gamma rays on Mars show a big red spot that seems like a radiating debris pattern ... on the opposite side of the planet there is another red spot."

According to Brandenburg, the natural explosion, the equivalent of 1 million one-megaton hydrogen bombs, occurred in the northern Mare Acidalium region of Mars where there is a heavy concentration of radioactivity.

This explosion filled the Martian atmosphere with radio-isotopes as well, which are seen in recent gamma ray spectrometry data taken by NASA, he said.

The radioactivity also explains why the planet looks red.

Brandenburg said gamma ray spectrometry taken over the past few years shows spiking radiation from Xenon 129 -- an increase also seen on Earth after a nuclear reaction or a nuclear meltdown, including the one at Chernobyl in 1986 and the disaster in Japan earlier this month.

Dr. David Beaty, Mars program science manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told that he finds the idea intriguing and fascinating. But to prove the science, the agency would need to plan a mission to explore Mare Acidalium on Mars.

And there are more pressing issues, including missions to find extraterrestrial life. “You have to assess the importance of the question relative to the cost of answering the question,” he said.

Still, Beaty expressed doubts, saying the geological conditions on this planet and Mars have existed for millennia -- what exists has existed for a long time, and there are few sudden changes. “Rocks are what they are. [A natural nuclear reaction] could happen in another billion years, but it is not something to make you want to go home to your family and move to the mountains right away,” he said.

Dr. Lars Borg, a scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, called Brandenburg’s conclusions unsurprising -- and part of known geological processes, not a nuclear reaction.

"We've looked at Martian meteorites for 15 years, and looked in detail at the isotopic measurements .. and not a single person out of hundreds worrying about this have thought there could have been a nuclear explosion on Mars," he told

Brandenburg -- who once worked at Livermore himself -- defended his research, arguing that defense experts he talked to off the record said they agreed there are signs of a nuclear reaction.

Besides, there's a precedence for a natural nuclear reaction on our own planet, he noted.

The Oklo, Gabon, region of Africa has uranium-coated sediments from a nuclear reaction that occurred 2 billion years ago.

A massive nuclear explosion on Mars would have created huge craters on the surface, visible from orbiting telescopes like Hubble and from the Mars rovers. Brandenburg said such craters could have filled in with sand over the past 180 million years, leaving no visual cues to prove the theory.

Another possibility is that the reaction occurred in mid-air and did not leave a crater -- which is exactly what happened at the Tunguska event in Russia in 1909, presumably by a large comet.

Harrison Schmitt, a geological expert and the last man to step out of the Apollo spacecraft on the moon, told that there is “general validity” to Brandenburg’s theory. He said the nuclear reaction may not have been caused by an explosion, however, and might have occurred over time.

Edward D. McCullough, a science and space consultant, agreed that the Mare Acidalium region of Mars does show some strange colors and terrain formations that seem unexplainable.

“There seems to be a reasonable closure between the number of fissions required to produce the Xenon 129 enhancement and the amount of energy required to toss material to that point on Mars,” he said.

“This massive nuclear explosion on Mars seems to defy natural explanation,” said Brandenburg.


traduzione con google translate

Vi siete mai chiesti perché il pianeta rosso è rosso?

Circa 180 milioni di anni fa, un pianeta di trascendentale ma naturalmente reazione nucleare può essere spazzato via tutto ciò che su Marte, inviando un'onda d'urto che ha trasformato il pianeta in sabbia asciutta.

Ancora più incredibile: la reazione nucleare naturale potrebbe essere avvenuta sul nostro pianeta - e potrebbe accadere di nuovo, ha dichiarato il Dr. Giovanni di Brandeburgo, uno scienziato senior presso propulsione orbitale Technologies Corp.

"La superficie di Marte è ricoperta da un sottile strato di sostanze radioattive, compreso l'uranio, torio e potassio radioattivo - e questo modello si irradia da un hot spot [su Marte]", ha detto di Brandeburgo

"Una esplosione nucleare avrebbe potuto trasmettere detriti in tutto il pianeta", ha detto. "Mappe di raggi gamma su Marte mostra una grande macchia rossa che sembra un modello di detriti radiante ... sul lato opposto del pianeta, c'è un altro punto rosso ".

Secondo Brandeburgo, l'esplosione naturale, l'equivalente di 1 milione di bombe all'idrogeno di un megaton, si è verificato nel nord della regione Acidalium Mare di Marte dove c'è una forte concentrazione di radioattività.

Questa esplosione riempito l'atmosfera marziana con radio-isotopi pure, che sono visti in recenti dati di spettrometria gamma ray prese dalla NASA, ha detto.

La radioattività spiega anche perché il pianeta appare rosso.

Brandenburg ha detto Ray spettrometria gamma prese nel corso degli ultimi anni mostra spiking radiazione da Xenon 129 - un incremento anche visto sulla Terra dopo una reazione nucleare o una fusione nucleare, compreso quello di Chernobyl nel 1986 e la catastrofe in Giappone all'inizio di questo mese.

Dr. David Beaty, responsabile del programma Mars Science della NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, ha detto a che trova l'idea intrigante e affascinante. Ma per dimostrare la scienza, l'agenzia avrebbe bisogno per pianificare una missione per esplorare Mare Acidalium su Marte.

E ci sono questioni più urgenti, ivi comprese le missioni di trovare vita extraterrestre. "Si deve valutare l'importanza della questione relativa al costo di rispondere alla domanda," ha detto.

Eppure, Beaty espresso dubbi, dicendo che le condizioni geologiche del pianeta e Marte esistono da millenni - ciò che esiste è esistita per lungo tempo, e ci sono pochi cambiamenti improvvisi. "Le rocce sono quello che sono. [Una naturale reazione nucleare] potrebbe accadere in un altro miliardo di anni, ma non è qualcosa da farti venir voglia di andare a casa per la tua famiglia e spostare le montagne subito, "ha detto.

Il dottor Lars Borg, uno scienziato del Lawrence Livermore National Lab, chiamato Brandeburgo conclusioni sorprende - e parte di noti processi geologici, non una reazione nucleare.

"Abbiamo esaminato le meteoriti marziane per 15 anni, e guardò in dettaglio le misure isotopiche .. e non una singola persona fuori centinaia di preoccuparsi di questo hanno pensato che ci sarebbe potuto essere un esplosione nucleare su Marte", ha detto FOXNews. com.

Brandenburg - che un tempo lavorava a Livermore se stesso - ha difeso la sua ricerca, sostenendo che gli esperti della difesa ha parlato in via ufficiosa ha detto che d'accordo ci sono segni di una reazione nucleare.

Inoltre, c'è una precedenza per una naturale reazione nucleare sul nostro pianeta, ha osservato.

Il Oklo, Gabon, regione dell'Africa ha sedimenti uranio rivestite da una reazione nucleare che si sono verificati 2 miliardi di anni.

Una massiccia esplosione nucleare su Marte avrebbe creato enormi crateri sulla superficie, visibili da orbita telescopi come Hubble e dal rover su Marte. Brandenburg ha detto crateri poteva essere riempiti con sabbia negli ultimi 180 milioni di anni, senza lasciare segnali visivi per dimostrare la teoria.

Un'altra possibilità è che la reazione si è verificato a mezz'aria e non hanno lasciato un cratere - che è esattamente quello che è successo durante l'evento di Tunguska in Russia nel 1909, presumibilmente da una cometa di grandi dimensioni.

Harrison Schmitt, esperto di geologia e l'ultimo uomo ad uscire dalla navicella spaziale Apollo sulla Luna, ha detto a che c'è "validità generale" alla teoria del Brandeburgo. Ha detto che la reazione nucleare non può essere stato causato da un'esplosione, però, e potrebbe essersi verificato nel corso del tempo.

Edward D. McCullough, una scienza e consulente dello spazio, ha convenuto che la regione Acidalium Mare di Marte non mostra alcuni strani colori e le formazioni del terreno che sembrano inspiegabili.

"Sembra che ci sia una chiusura ragionevole tra il numero di fissioni necessaria per produrre la 129 Xenon valorizzazione e la quantità di energia richiesta per gettare il materiale a quel punto su Marte", ha detto.

"Questa massiccia esplosione nucleare su Marte sembra sfidare ogni spiegazione naturale," ha detto Brandeburg.
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view post Posted on 10/3/2015, 10:13     +1   -1




Ancient Martian civilisation was wiped out by nuclear bomb-wielding aliens - and they could attack Earth next, claims physicist

• Scientist is to present his theory that ancient life on Mars was massacred
• Dr Brandenburg is giving a talk on his research tomorrow in Illinois
• He says there is evidence for two nuclear explosions on Mars
• These apparently wiped out two races - the Cydonians and Utopians
• Detection of uranium and thorium on the surface is evidence for these past explosions, he claims
• And he warns we should be wary of a similar attack on Earth


If you're planning to go to the 2014 Annual Fall Meeting of the American Physical Society in Illinois this Saturday, you might be in for a bit of a surprise with the final talk of the day.
Because that's when plasma physicist Dr John Brandenburg will present his theory that an ancient civilisation on Mars was wiped out by a nuclear attack from another alien race.
In his bizarre theory, Dr Brandenburg says ancient Martians known as Cydonians and Utopians were massacred in the attack - and evidence of the genocide can still be seen today.
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A scientist is to present his theory that ancient life on Mars was massacred. Dr Brandenburg is giving a talk on his research tomorrow in Illinois at the American Physical Society. He says there is evidence for two nuclear explosions on Mars (image from his paper shown)
Back in 2011 the scientist first postulated that the red colour on Mars could have been due to a naturally occurring thermonuclear explosion.
'The Martian surface is covered with a thin layer of radioactive substances including uranium, thorium and radioactive potassium - and this pattern radiates from a hot spot on Mars,' he told Fox News at the time.
'A nuclear explosion could have sent debris all around the planet.'

Aside from this outlandish theory, Dr John Brandenburg has led a rather more normal, and prestigious, career.
He has a PhD in Theoretical Plasma Physics from the University of California at Davis.
Currently he works as a plasma physicist at Orbital Technologies in Madison Wisconsin.
He has worked on a variety of propulsion technologies and previously was an independent consultant on Space Missile Defense and Directed Energy Weapons.
Dr Brandenburg has authored a number of books with his latest, Death on Mars: The Discovery of a Planetary Nuclear Massacre, to be published in February 2015.

But since then he has advanced his theory to the level that he now no longer thinks it was a naturally occurring explosion - but rather one planned by an intelligent alien race.
According to Vice, the conclusion of his latest paper says that nuclear isotopes in the atmosphere resembling hydrogen bomb tests 'may present an example of civilisation wiped out by a nuclear attack from space.'
His research centres around the 'high concentration' of Xenon-129 in the Martian atmosphere, and uranium and thorium on the surface, spotted by Nasa's Mars Odyssey spacecraft.
Scientists have previously pointed about that the appearance of these elements is not surprising, as they are natural elements found everywhere.
But Dr Brandenburg is adamant they are the remnants of two nuclear explosions on the surface.
He will lay out his research tomorrow in his talk titled 'Evidence of Massive Thermonuclear Explosions in Mars Past, The Cydonian Hypothesis, and Fermi's Paradox'.
And he is also apparently set to have a paper published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.


Dr Brandenburg says evidence for the explosions exists near two sites that apparently had life in the past, including Cydonia, the location of the famous 'face on Mars' spotted from orbit (left). However, later images showed it was just a chance alignment of shifting dust dunes (right)


Back in 2011 the scientist first postulated that the red colour on Mars (pictured) could have been due to a naturally occurring thermonuclear explosion - but now he thinks it was caused by an intelligent alien race
He says Mars once had an Earth-like climate home to animal and plant life, and any intelligent life would have been about as advanced as the ancient Egyptians on Earth.
This is based on his analysis of two regions, one being Cydonia, where the infamous - and later discredited - 'face on Mars' was found.
This, according to Dr Brandenburg, is an artefact from the ancient alien race.
Here, one of the supposed nuclear explosions wiped out the civilisation at Cydonia Mensa and another, smaller one destroyed a civilisation at a region called Galaxias Chaos.
'Analysis of new images from Odyssey, MRO and Mars Express orbiters now show strong evidence of eroded archeological objects at these sites,' he writes in the abstract for his research to be presented tomorrow.
'Taken together, the data requires that the hypothesis of Mars as the site of an ancient planetary nuclear massacre, must now be considered.'


Dr Brandenburg says his theory could explain the Fermi Paradox - namely why, if the universe is abundant with life, we haven't heard anything from anyone else yet.
He warns, though, that we need to be fearful of an attack on our own planet, and should mount a manned mission to Mars to know what we're up against.
'Providentially, we are forewarned of this possible aspect of the cosmos,' he writes.
'The author therefore advocates that a human mission to Mars is mounted immediately to maximise knowledge of what occurred.'
UFO expert Nigel Watson, author of the Haynes UFO Investigation Manual, told MailOnline that Dr Brandenburg is not the first to suggest Mars was 'murdered' by nuclear explosions.
'These stories and many variations of them present a view that our Solar System was the home of several nuclear battles raged between alien visitors and settlers,' he said.
'Much of the evidence is either channeled through automatic writing, psychic messages or the interpretation of ancient texts.
'Although Brandenburg's theory is on more solid ground, it still amounts to speculation based on our present day awareness of the power of nuclear weapons and our fear of its misuse.
'It is a warning that we could do the same to our own planet, and underlines the belief of many scientists that we have not detected intelligent life elsewhere in the universe because at some point civilisations will become extinct either through catastrophe or self-destruction.'

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